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Check out our full review of The Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes!

0:00all right Kingdom of the Planet of the

0:02Apes let’s talk about it this the

0:05movement we all needed or just another

0:08Cog in the wheel of the Planet Apes Saga

0:11it is now isn’t it Kingdom of the Planet

0:15Apes was directed by West ball from The

0:17Maze rber Trilogy which I enjoyed very

0:21much every movie had something to add

0:24we’ll r that later this movie

0:26technically a part four maybe like even

0:30A Part 9 10 depending on where you fall

0:32on the whole Planet of the Apes timeline

0:33Loop thing

0:35whatever uh it’s beginning of a new


0:39and it gives us a Time jump from the

0:42last movie what I would want to see is

0:45Caesar’s lineage Cornelius see what

0:47happened what was the real turnover what

0:49was the real turning point for the Apes

0:51and the humans but instead we get this

0:53character Noah Noah

0:58Noah Noah the ape how do I feel about

1:00Noah okay let’s be honest here I don’t

1:03think anyone wanted Noah I don’t know if

1:07anyone acts for whoever know it’s

1:09supposed to

1:10be uh I feel like he’s a okay

1:14character it’s weird to say I don’t feel

1:17like he’s a leading ape if that means

1:19anything he never really grasped me as a

1:21character his dep wasn’t really there

1:25for me personally I didn’t feel any

1:27connections to Noah spoilers in this so

1:30if you’re watching now spoilers I’m

1:32going to have spoilers this is not

1:33spoiler-free sorry it took me so long

1:35I’ve seen this movie like a week or more

1:39ago but I’m just getting around to it so

1:42might be a little rusty on some things

1:43but anyway Village getting attacked

1:45everything I never really felt the

1:47connection or urgency from Noah is more

1:49just like hey these guys attack me let

1:51me go find my peeps type thing you know

1:55we it’s kind of been seen before in

1:57these movies recently but he goes on a

2:00quest he meets up with an orangutan by

2:03the name of rqa who just is a servant of

2:07Caesar’s message and just seems like he

2:09has everything completely all wrong

2:10which you know seems like a pretty human

2:14thing to do so APS there you go it’s

2:17just a lot of things about this movie

2:18that I just felt were a little

2:21lackluster it it looked good in the

2:24sense of the CGI and and the and

2:27everything looked good but it didn’t

2:28really give us anything

2:30stunning visually it’s just all kind of

2:32like little wastelands it kind of

2:33reminds me of just a mediocre

2:37PlayStation 3 video game in the sense of

2:40the environments are just so just

2:43lifeless and Barren and just generic

2:46like really you could have pulled these

2:47scenes and put them in any film and it

2:49doesn’t scream plenty the Apes to me I I

2:52don’t really can’t say much about what

2:54they could have did I would like to see

2:55more ruins and stuff but hey maybe they

2:57were trying to take it slow for the

2:59first part of the Trilogy that’s what

3:00I’m holding out for they really didn’t

3:03grasp me much like the characters in the

3:06very first uh not the very first but the

3:10one the first of this section this era

3:12of PL of the Apes uh the one staring

3:14James Franco of course it had a lot of

3:16human characters but it also had a lot

3:18of apes and I feel like rocket and and

3:21uh Koba and and even Buck like these

3:24Apes had character I felt like I were

3:27connected to them so when things happen

3:29I felt it I felt it even Maurice like I

3:32felt it

3:34here Roco was cool but I never really

3:37you know we didn’t connect I didn’t

3:38connect with Noah throughout the whole

3:40film even to the end of the film I was

3:42just like if I don’t see him again

3:44whatever when the other films ended I

3:46wanted to see more of each of the

3:47characters I wanted to see more Maurice

3:49I wanted to see more more rocket I

3:51wanted to see uh Caesar’s son his first

3:54son I forget his

3:56name C’s first son I wanted to see more

3:59of him I wanted to see more of the Apes

4:01they were actual characters to me that I

4:04connected with just off of one film and

4:08sharing that film with a lot of other

4:10human characters that I also thought

4:12were pretty decent so I don’t know

4:15something here just just didn’t connect

4:17Nova was just like I I I get what they

4:21were going for I like what they did with

4:23the Twist and everything but that was

4:25the most entertaining part to me but the

4:28character itself was just like a train

4:30wreck of a character but I just have to

4:33give her credit she she played it great

4:35and it did her character did have a few

4:38layers uh very deceitful character but

4:41had layers and motivations that by the

4:43end of the movie we seen okay this is

4:46understandable I understand I don’t know

4:49a lot of the other characters were just

4:50kind of moving around the the main

4:53antagonist uh Proxima

4:56proximus I enjoyed him he was sort of

4:59entertaining his his motives his ideals

5:02you know you kind of felt him a little

5:04bit he’s probably the one that I

5:05connected with the most because he

5:07actually had some type of conscious

5:09drive and point what a wonderful day

5:14where the rest of the Apes even the ones

5:15from knowah his clan is like you guys

5:17are here you’re there your clan got

5:19burned out you’re working with this guy

5:21I can’t even tell if you actually

5:22dislike him or not

5:25I the intentions of the characters their

5:28convictions weren’t really clear which

5:30is okay that’s fine but it was just a

5:33little jarring for me personally

5:34especially when this just seems like a

5:37lot of rehashing of what we had on the

5:39other movies the Apes being in the camp

5:43uh we seen them locked up in the first

5:44movie we seen them locked up in the

5:46second movie we seen them locked up in

5:47the third movie it’s like fourth movie

5:50here we go how many times are we going

5:51to have either pet or slave Apes this is

5:54getting redundant one gorilla that’s

5:58like a ay gorilla amongst Apes we seen

6:01that with buck in the first movie uh the

6:03second movie I can’t remember if they

6:05were the third movie we seen it again

6:08with donkey red donkey and now we see it

6:11again with this gorilla who by this time

6:13I just didn’t even care like we’re going

6:14to give these gorillas actual real

6:18setting here or there was just going to

6:19be one bodyguard gorilla to chase around

6:21the main character here and there are be

6:24I don’t know I don’t know I just feel

6:26like they could have brought in

6:28something new some other elements uh the

6:31human character

6:32may very reminiscent of the last human

6:35character in the last movie I get it I

6:37get the connection I get the the great

6:39big twist and

6:40turnaround so I I let that one go took a

6:44shot sort of landed not Square for me

6:47but it was okay but besides that

6:49everything just kind of didn’t feel

6:51fresh to me it really didn’t feel fresh

6:54and for some reason even though the Apes

6:56seem like they progressed and they can

7:00some of them can read and their speeches

7:03they’re saying full sentence having full

7:05conversations those 300 years it seems

7:07like they lost a lot of just general

7:10knowledge like with the guns and

7:13weaponry we came from a movie where we

7:15had Apes walking around with with

7:17automatic weapons and shooting and bombs

7:20and things like that and now it’s all

7:22like whoa whoa whoa what’s that like


7:25like I don’t know where this faction of

7:28Apes supposedly grew up or came came

7:29from but it just seems like well and

7:31then the big reveal at the end like I

7:33said spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler

7:34spoiler spoilers the human

7:38characters they seem still pretty on

7:40track and they have satellite dishes and

7:42everything I hope this is leading

7:43somewhere I’ll get to that in a second

7:44where I think it’s leading but yeah the

7:48the Apes just kind of like what is I

7:50don’t know it was just a little much for

7:52me I would love to see a film that goes

7:55over Cornelius says rain if there is a

7:58rain or whatever

8:00however whatever happened after Caesar

8:02to get them to this current point when

8:04did they stop using guns when did they

8:06lose all this knowledge of of Caesar and

8:09everything that happened how did that go

8:10about I guess that’s something for

8:12another time which I respect cool uh I I

8:16I see what uh West Bowl is doing here he

8:18wants to make his own thing I just hope

8:21the next film let’s get into that now at

8:22the end spoilers spoilers spoilers the

8:25humans are found to have satellites and

8:26they contacting other humans and other

8:28bunkers they’re highly

8:30intelligent um you know they they have

8:33weaponry I assume there’s bunkers with

8:35weapons so I’m looking forward to the


8:39movie being sort of what the sequel to

8:41The the other planet apes was and we get

8:45to see like an actual war or fight but

8:47it seems like the AP are so regressed at

8:49this point that it won’t really be much

8:51of a battle they’re kind of

8:53like like they they’re going backwards

8:56so I’m hoping this is just me

8:58speculating open and write in the

9:00comments if you agree or you think

9:01something different or you got a theory

9:03but I’m hoping they’re going in the

9:04direction of they they shift the focus

9:06off of Noah or even dare I say it get

9:09rid of them and bring us to an ape

9:13Colony that hasn’t been much changed

9:16from the Caesar lineage who knows all

9:18the things that happened and has their

9:20weaponry and can go to war with these

9:23current humans because at the state they

9:24are now it’s just basically going to be

9:26a massacre in my eyes so I really don’t

9:30know where this is

9:33going in order for me to go see a sequel

9:37in the theaters they need to have a

9:39really good marketing and trailer

9:42because as it stands right now after the

9:45last film War of the pl of the Apes and

9:47this film it’s kind of a snoozefest to

9:50be honest and I’m not really excited

9:52about about this this anymore not really

9:55excited not really excited but you know

9:58proximus gone the whole ending he had

10:01was very anticlimactic to me like o

10:04Eagles I I don’t know I just it just

10:07didn’t bring enough enough new things to

10:10me the eagle thing was cool but it just

10:13didn’t bring enough and I probably I

10:17wouldn’t really give this movie much of

10:19a rewatch maybe once just to see if I

10:20missed any Easter eggs or Clues but it

10:22didn’t really bring any great value to

10:25me especially as much as I like the two

10:29getting films in this Saga

10:32I I don’t know it’s just it’s been

10:34falling flat so that’s that’s all I got

10:38to say about that man uh write in the

10:41comments what you guys think if you

10:43think I’m crazy think I’m out of my mind

10:46if you agree with me if you actually

10:48like Noah please tell me what about this

10:50character did you really connect to me

10:53just really just I don’t know he’s just

10:55a just a character moving the story for

10:58me it could have been any one in there

10:59there’s nothing about him that stands

11:01out to me there I’m like man I need more

11:03Noah so uh yeah write in the comments

11:06tell me what you think I don’t have a

11:08rating system yet for my reviews but

11:10let’s see it’s Apes was just bananas

11:14give it four bananas out of 10 I guess

11:16four out of 10 four out of 10 stars or

11:19whatever you want to give it um yeah I

11:22hope they got something more coming and

11:24hey that’s about it that’s all I got for

11:26this man comment like subscribe if you

11:29like if not just come back check me out

11:31sometimes watch some of my other reviews

11:33it’s your boy just D wrong Agenda

11:35podcast and I’m out

English (auto-generated)AllFrom The Wrong Agenda PodcastKingdom of the Planet of the ApesRelatedFor you
